Building Services

.Drain Ratz Builders & Building Finishers
Building Services offered by Drain Ratz Builders & Building Finishers
These are a basic list of services provided by our building team. Drain Ratz only uses the most professional and expert contractors. We can complete a task successfully and efficiently. A professional builder is a general building work contractor who can put your whole project together. The builder will take complete responsibility for the work contracted and give you a guarantee once completed. Professional builders listen carefully so they know what you want. Professional builders doing work for you, are actually employed by you during the contract period. The builders will make sure that you are satisfied and happy with the final results.
Drain Ratz Building Services:
- Building Additions:
- Building Renovations
- Restorations to old commercial and domestic buildings
- Complete home make overs/Home renovations
- Building erection of walls
- Finishing Specialists
- Contractors for all finishing work
- Decorative tiling
- Tiling contractors for Ceramic tiling
- Tiling contractors for Porcelain tiling
- Tiling contractors for mosaic tiling
- Ceiling/Cornice repairs
- Rhinoliting of ceilings
- New installation of ceilings
- Electricians
- Plastering
- Rhinoliting
- Painting of interior
- Painting of exterior
- Waterproofing
- Complete bathroom renovations
- Plumbing works for old or new homes
- Commercial plumbing
- Flooring
- Bricklaying
- Partitioning
- Dry Wall
- Insurance related jobs
- Consulting/Project Management
Drain Ratz Building Team would love to talk to you. Get in touch today!