Builders: Drain Ratz Plumbers are domestic and commercial builders servicing:
- Pretoria
- Centurion
- Midrand
- Johannesburg
Drain Ratz Plumbers & Builders, builder division specializes in all manner of building projects. New buildings or building renovations/Additions. Drain Ratz builders wil be able to assist you with any building project. Our building and building finishers are experienced and competent builders.
Our Contractor Panel:
On our panel of contractors, we have electricians, civil contractors, builders, plasterers, waterproofing, plumbers, roofers, bricklayers, tillers, painters. You can renew or add value to your home by just adding a tint or hue of the right colour of paint.
Waterproofing & Painting
For a beautifully painted home, contact our panel of professional contractors. Colour is a magnificent thins and our skilled, qualified painters will be willing and able to consult with you regarding the latest technology in colour co-ordination and finding the right type of paint for your home, whether it is interior of exterior painting requirement. As an added benefit to you, we can also assist you with a professional colour co-ordination to assist you with the right colour for every room and every mood. Our painting contractors will also give clear advice as to the right preparatory work that needs to be done prior to our painters start painting your home. Painting may seem like child’s play, however, should you not know the basics of paint preparation, and it can become a costly affair. If in doubt about any preparatory painting work, call us and our painting contractors will be able to assist you.
Drain Ratz are professional water proofers/damp proffers and painters. Painting & Water proofing can add value of your home. Waterproofing can be done indoor or outdoor.It is always best to contact a contractor when one has a leak or need a professional finish for a painting job. The advantage of Waterproofing Your Home is that it can increase the value of your home, so best to leave it to the professionals. Drain Ratz contractors are experienced water proofers and will keep your home dry. Bad waterproofing can result not just in irritation but is also an insurance company’s nightmare.There are different techniques and cause and effect to consider when waterproofing. It is not like tiling or paving or wooden flooring. Special care should be taken when waterproofing.
Method 1: Brick bet waterproofing the plastic surgeon. This method helps to cover cracks, leakages, and can hide untidy marks. We then cover it with aesthetically appealing china mosaic.
Method2: Poly Acrylic Coating. This method of waterproofing should rather be left for the professionals to do. This is a more superior type or waterproofing used to seal breakages/leakages on the wall. This type of waterproofing strengthens the structure of any building.
Method 3: Pre-monsoon roof repairs: This can be done on old or new building. Ideal for old buildings that already have leaks or damages or can be used once a year to strengthen the structure of your home/roof.
Drain Ratz does painting for domestic ,Commercial and industrial spacers. Without paintwork, your building finishes cannot be complete. Drain Ratz scope of painting is diverse: We do Interior painting, Exterior painting,Decorative painting,Commercial painting, Painting of downpipes, Fascia Boards and repairs to wood sprockets.
Domestic & commercial plumbers
Drain Ratz Contractors specializing in Blocked Drains, Bathroom Renovations, Leaks, Pipes, Sewerage systems, Geysers, Construction Plumbing, Maintenance Plumbing, Taps, Toilets, Sinks, Septic Tanks, Reed Beds, French Drains, Cisterns, Urinals and all your necessary plumbing at affordable rates for you. Geyser replacements: We will replace or repair your geyser and we specialise in all types of geysers. We will fix your geyser problem with no hassle at all. Sewage Problems: Septic Tanks, French drains, Reed beds. We are experienced in the field of solving sewerage problems like septic tanks and french drains and the recent reed bed approved by most municipalities. If we cannot help you, we will refer you! Installing a septic tank/french drain or even a reed bed incorrectly without following the proper levelling systems will be chaotic! Let us come and show you how you can install a septic tank/french drain or reed bed correctly. Blocked Drains: Drain Ratz maintenance & construction plumbers can remove the obstruction using the latest technology equipment. We can do cctv drain camera inspections to see where the obstruction is. Leaks in Pipes or General leaks: A leaking tap is the worst case scenario! Leak, leak, leak. We all have experienced the irritation of a dripping tap. We can seal or patch or fix/repair your leaking pipe and all other general leaks. Bathroom Renovations: Need a new bathroom? We can fit in all your standard toilets, urinals, shower doors, taps or pede’s. Any type of toilet, tap, any type of urinal, any type of bathroom floor or shower door, we can install. Our team is motivated to make your bathroom renovation come true. Drainage systems: A drainage system should be the initial most important agenda whilst building a new home. Not so often we discover that our drainage system was incorrectly installed whilst building. This drainage system causes unnecessary discomfort for the owners of the home and not to mention the cost involved to fix it. It is imperative for one to make 100% sure that your drainage system is installed correctly from the onset of the building procedure. Make sure that the engineer and building teams have all the necessary qualification before commencement of the building project.
Drain Ratz is aware that building a home, renovating a home, extending a home or even restoring a home can be the one single most expensive purchase that a family can make. Whether you are start up building, renovating, extending, renovating or extending a building or home, Drain Ratz can assist with most valued advice. There are many things to consider when building a home. Factors like: location, budget, house designs, single purpose rooms, family size and of course the builder’s reputation. We have all types of contractors that assist with the finishes of your home. From plasters may it be normal plastering, rough plastering or even rhino lighting
Interior and exterior finishers of a home are important. Remember you going to spend the rest of your life in that home.
Flooring, like wooden flooring in an interior adds value to your home. Things to consider before laying out a huge sum of money for wooden flooring would be to look at your lifestyle like: do you have pets etc. All wood floors may it be interior or decking for exterior needs some kind of maintenance. Different wood flooring will have a great influence on the type of wood finish you installed. Let Drain Ratz look at all your decking and flooring needs. There are many types of finishes. Eg: Wax finish deck or wooden flooring, surface finishes and acrylic impregnated finishes for deck and interior wooden flooring. Quick test to check what wooden flooring you have installed:
Water-based finishes appear clear and will resist turning yellow over time. They have a mild odour when applied, and will dry in two to three hours. Water-based finishes are very durable. Oil-based finishes appear amber in colour. They have a moderate odour when applied, and will dry in about eight hours. Oil-based finishes are very durable .Acid-cured finishes appear clear to slightly amber. They have a strong odour when applied, and will dry in about two to three hours. Acid-cured finishes are extremely durable .Moisture-cured finishes appear clear to amber. They have a strong odour when applied, and will dry in about two to three hours in humid conditions. Moisture-cured finishes are extremely durable and are more moisture-resistant than other surface finishes.
Drain Ratz tillers are professional tillers. Tiling has become more and more the famous choice for decorative purpose for interior and exterior purposes, for walls and floors. There are many types and styles of tiles that one can use. Ceramic tiles are usually a favorite choice. Very versatile type of tile and most tillers prefer working with this type of tile. A professional tiller will also give you the option of natural stone tiles as well as porcelain tiles. Drain Ratz tiling contractors are ready to assist. May it be bathroom tiling, exterior tiling or even for walls? There are so many brands of tiles on the market so let us help you make an informed choice according to your lifestyle.
Drain Ratz roofing team will be able to assist you in any type or style of roof that you may want. There are different styles of roofing and the style of a roof can make your home look attractive or not.Types of roofs: Gambrel roof, mansard roof, pyramid roof, hip roof, bonnet roof, flat roof, cross gabled roofs, arched roofs.For further reading on roofs and roofing read:
Ceilings & cornices
The Drain Ratz building team are very familiar with ceilings and cornice installation. There are various types of ceiling and cornice types. The most popular ceilings installed make use of joists and beams. The second type of ceiling we can install is called beam ceiling. This type of ceiling has load bearing beams which are exposed on the inside of the house. Stretch ceilings is made of stretched material. Stretch ceilings are very flexible and can be molded to any design. Hollow-core slab ceilings are relatively lightweight and are very popular in multi storey homes. Dropped ceilings are mostly used in commercial buildings. It allows the builders to easily install extra fittings like fans, ducts etc. Vermiculite ceilings are no longer popular in most designs. They were also known as popcorn ceilings.
Cornices: In building, a cornice is normally regarded as a building finishing for the ceiling. There are many decorative types of cornices available in the market today.
Drain Ratz electrician specializes in the operation,maintenance and repair of electrical systems.The Drain Ratz electrician can do your internal and external wiring of your home and business, circuit boards and any electrical job big or small.
Whilst building a structure, a Drain Ratz electrician is an important part of the building team. He will installs conduit in the walls for electrical wiring. If cooling systems or heat systems are to be installed, a Drain Ratz electrician can install them. We can also install vents and piping for these systems. When the home is completed, the electrician can then install all electrical sockets for the purpose of plugging in electrical equipment and installing light bulbs. The electrician will also be able to install the equipment which drains power, such as stoves and heaters.
Drain Ratz Electricians can also provide you with an electrical COC should it be needed.
Our Builder services
Minor and major painting contracts, Minor and major plumbing contracts, Major and minor electrical contracts, Roofing contracts, Bricklaying contracts, Ceiling contractors,Glass/glazing contracts, Plastering contracts, All renovations, Water proofing, Building extensions, Tiling, Built-in Cupboards, Insurance related repairs and quotes
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